TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM 10/26/85 Purchase of a telecommunications system referred to the Buildings & Grounds Committee. 11/26/85 (85-150) Authorized contract negotiations with Electronic Engineering/Rolm Corp for teelcommunications switch and system; and with Ohio Bell Communications for the cabling and wiring for the system. Final contracts to be brought before the Board. 1/9/86 (86-11) Approved telecommunication contracts with Electronic Engineering Rolm Corp. and with Ohio Bell Communications. 1/9/86 (86-12) Approved agreement with McDonald & Co. for finanacing the telecommunication system and universal wiring system. 2/26/86 (86-20) Approved lease agreement related to the financing of the new telecommunications system. 6/24/97 (97-27) Approved lease/purchase of telephone system from NEC and KeyCorp Leasing, Ltd. 6/22/09 (09-39) Approved telecommunications infrastructure upgrade: 5 year lease purchase agreement to be sought for equipment upgrades, software, phone replaceplacements, professional services and service support not to exceed $2,393,145.