NEWBURN, HARRY K 2/10/65 Approved employment of Dr. Harry K. Newburn in connection with development of a master plan for CSU. 4/15/65 Cancellation option clause in the contract between CSU and Dr. Newburn will not be exercised during 6/1/65 - 7/16/65. 8/11/65 Appointed Acting CSU President, effective 9/10/65. Dr. Newburn's contract as Educational Consultant terminated effective 9/10/65. Directed Acting President to assume authority and responsibility designated in the By-Laws. 1/12/66 Approved employment of Dr. Newburn as Educational Consultant. Presented with a "Resolution of Appreciation". Approved terms and provisions of contract for professionalservices and employment of Dr. Newburn as Educational Consultant. 10/2/69 (69-58) Resolution of Congratulations on appointment as Acting President of Arizona State University. 6/14/72 Introduced as Acting President. 12/6/72 (72-84) Extended Dr. Newburn's appointment as Interim President to include January l973 with understanding that he shall devote as many days to this responsibility as his schedule permits.