SCIENCE BUILDING BASIC SCIENCE BUILDING 10/19/65 Selected Outcalt, Guenther, Rode & Bonebrake selected as Project I Architect. Buildings' total cost not to exceed $5,260,000. Requested the Controling Board to release $268,125 for fees to OGR&B for completion of working drawings and supervision of construction, and for fees to State Architect and payment of related expense items. 1/12/66 Directed submitting a request through the Regents for the maximum Federal Funds allowable under P.L. 88-204. 3/30/66 Approved Outcalt, Guenther, Rode & Bonebrake's preliminary plans. 8/11/66 Approved Outcalt, Guenther, Rode & Bonebrake's basic plans and working drawings Ohio Department of Public Works requested to proceed with bidding and awarding of contracts. 10/12/66 Authorized Planning Committee to accept Basic Science Building bids for the Trustees at a special Committee session to be held after the bids are opened and tabulated. 4/13/67 Authorized administration to request release of necessary funds from the State Controlling Board and to request the State Architect to enter into an agreement with the firm of Clarke & Rapano, Inc. to adjust Basic Science Building landscaping plans. 5/9/69 (69-26) Directed CSU officers to request the State Board of Control and Regents to release the remaining $90,000 balance of Phase I construction funds for the purchase of scientific equipment. 9/26/84 (84-51) Delegated authority to Buildings & Grounds Committee to select architects and engineers for Basic Science chilled water system improvements and masonry repairs. 6/21/89 (89-40) Delegated authority to the President to accept and approve the Division of Public Work's final recommendation for Basic Science Building roof repairs. 9/15/06 (06-61) Authorized soliciting proposals for energy conservation savings measures in the implementation of the fume hood renovation project. 4/20/07 (07-31) Authorized entering into contract negotiations with Brewer Garrett/URS for the Fume Hood Energy Performance Contracting Program. 10/8/07 (Board Officers' Resolution 2007-09) Fume Hood Energy Conservation Project contract with Brewer-Garret Co. Approved. (see: BOT Meeting 11/16/07) 3/25/14 (14-08) Delegated authority to Administration to enter into a contract with the lowest bidding Science Building roof and skylight replacement contractor for a construction cost not to exceed $1.35 million 9/24/15 (15-93) Authorized executing contract for construction services for renovating Science Building Instrumentation Lab 301 at a cost not to exceed 10% of $580,800. 1/28/16 (16-08) Authorized executing contract for Architectural and Engineering Services for Science Building interior lab renovations 5/25/16 (16-31) Authorized executing contract for construction manager at risk services for Science Building interior lab renovations. 9/29/17 (17-78) Approved contract increase for architectural/engineering services for Engaged Learning Lab renovations 3/23/18 (18-34) Approved contract increase for architectural/engineering services for Engaged Learning Lab renovations 9/20/18 (18-81) Approved contract increase for construction mamager at risk services for Engaged Learning Lab renovations also see: Physical Plant Projects